Lots of packages.

An Introduction to Linux Packages and Package Managers

Linux distributions rely on package management systems in order to install software. Popular examples include dpkg (Debian, Ubuntu), RPM (Red, Fedora and CentOS), Pacman (Arch), etc. This article will teach you the basics about Linux Package management.

Introduction to Linux Package Management and Packages

In Linux, packages are bundles of software that include not just the program or application itself but also the files and metadata needed for its installation, configuration, and operation. Packages simplify software distribution by providing a standard way to install, upgrade, and manage software on Linux systems. They are managed by package managers, which handle dependencies and ensure that the correct versions of all required components are installed.

Packages are the backbone of software management in Linux, enabling users to install and maintain applications efficiently. Understanding how packages work and using package managers effectively can help you get the most out of your Linux system.

Package Components

A Linux package typically contains:

  • Binary files: The compiled application or executable.
  • Configuration files: Used to customize the software’s behavior.
  • Dependency information: Specifies other software or libraries required for the package to function.
  • Scripts: Pre- and post-installation scripts to set up or clean up configurations.
  • Metadata: Descriptive information like version, maintainer, and description.

Types of Linux Packages

Linux packages are generally of two types:

  1. Source Packages: Contain the source code and instructions for compiling it.
  • Example: .tar.gz or .tar.xz archives.
  1. Binary Packages: Precompiled software ready for installation (either through a manual install or also with the package manager’s tools).
  • Example: .deb (Debian-based) or .rpm (Red Hat-based). There are more formats, but 99% of the time you’ll be dealing with one of these two.

Package Managers

Package managers are tools that automate the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing packages. They resolve dependencies and ensure that your system remains in a stable state.


  • APT (Advanced Package Tool): Used in Debian-based systems like Ubuntu.
sudo apt update                # Updates the package list
sudo apt install package-name  # Installs a package

APT and DPKG, what’s the difference?: apt and dpkg are both package management tools used in Debian-based Linux distributions, we’ve already mentioned that, but they serve different purposes and operate at different levels of abstraction:

  • dpkg is a low-level package manager that handles the installation, removal, and management of individual .deb packages.
  • apt (Advanced Package Tool) is a higher-level package management tool that works with dpkg under the hood. It simplifies package management by automating dependency resolution and fetching packages from repositories. In short, apt uses dpkg internally to install and manage packages. When you run apt install, it downloads the package and its dependencies, then calls dpkg to install them (you can say apt will save you from having to deal with dpkg)

YUM, Pacman, Zypper

  • YUM/DNF: Used in Red Hat-based systems like Fedora.
sudo dnf install package-name  # Installs a package
  • Pacman: Used in Arch Linux.
sudo pacman -S package-name    # Installs a package
  • Zypper: Used in openSUSE.
sudo zypper install package-name  # Installs a package

Package Repositories

Linux packages are stored in repositories —centralized servers that provide collections of software. Repositories are usually specific to a distribution and version. They are categorized as:

  • Official Repositories: Maintained by the distribution’s developers.
  • Third-Party Repositories: Maintained by external contributors.
  • PPAs (Personal Package Archives): Special repositories used in Ubuntu.

To use a package manager, your system must be configured to access these repositories.

Working with Packages

Checking Installed Packages:

dpkg -l                    # Lists installed packages on Debian-based systems
rpm -qa                    # Lists installed packages on Red Hat-based systems

Removing Packages:

sudo apt remove package-name     # Debian-based
sudo dnf remove package-name     # Red Hat-based

Searching for Packages:

apt search package-name          # Searches for a package in APT
dnf search package-name          # Searches for a package in DNF

Installing Local Packages:

Local packages are files you download manually in .deb or .rpm format.

For .deb:

sudo dpkg -i package-name.deb

For .rpm:

sudo rpm -ivh package-name.rpm

A More Deeper Dive

For a more deeper dive regarding Package Management and Administration in Linux follow this link: Installing, Removing, Upgrading and Managing Packages in Linux.

Dependency Management

Dependencies are additional software libraries or tools required for a package to function. Package managers resolve these automatically by downloading and installing the necessary components. However, broken dependencies can occur and may need to be resolved manually using tools like apt-get -f or dnf clean.

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